Saturday, February 12, 2011

Computer session

21st February



Your score is 91%.
Questions answered correctly first time: 10/12

Confusing words 2

Score: 6/6

confusing words 3

Score: 5/6

False friends 1

Score: 6/6

False friends 2

Score: 6/6

Verbs and preposition 1

Score: 4/6

Verbs and preposition 2

Score: 6/6


Relative clauses 1

Score: 6/6

Relative clauses 2

Score: 4/6

Will going to and present continuous 1

Score: 6/6

Will going to and present continuos 2

Scored: 5/6

Future perfect 1

Score: 4/6

First conditional 1

Score: 3/6

First conditional

Score: 1/6 ( I haven't seen that I had to use contractions)

Second conditional 1

Score: 5/6

Second conditional 2

Score: 6/6


An unusual walk

Score: 4/6

1 comment:

  1. Remember to finish all the activities before the day of the exam. What about doing them at the weekened?
